
Can I change the values in the "ssd_config" file


If we set "RSA" and "Pubkey" authentication as "no", what will be the
impact on Quantastor Servers ?

How it will affect to the current
environment ?

Is it OK to implement this on a QS Servers ?



Changing any of the values in the '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' file for a Quantastor system is unsupported.

All three of the values below are required for Remote Replication to work normally:


PermitRootLogin yes
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes


Remote Replication transmits data between the systems as the root user via an RSA encrypted private/public key pair.
Replication cannot be performed as any other user as it requires direct i/o access between the Storage pools.

Changing of these values will prevent replication from working and is not supported.


Please review this link for additional detail:





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