
How to change Thick or Thin Provisioning.


Changing Thick/Thin Provisioning reservation.



All Storage Volumes on QuantaStor ZFS Storage Pools are created and used in a thin provisioned manner, the thick provisioning setting controls how much capacity of the Storage pool is reserved for the Storage Volume.

Using thick provisioning can cause 100% reservation of the Storage Volume, which matches the physical capacity of their Storage Pool.
This 100% reservation prevents snapshots from being created on the Storage Pool as the Storage Pool does not believe there is any free space to do so.

The thick provisioning setting controls the physical capacity reservation of the Storage Volume on the Storage Pool.

If you are unsure of what capacity you will need to be reserving you can move the slider bar for the thick provisioning setting all the way to the left in the “Modify Storage Volume” Dialog and click “OK”.This will remove the pre-reserved Storage Pool capacity setting. The Storage Volume will then use capacity only as it needs for it's physical data blocks and the remaining pool free space will be available for retaining snapshots and any other Storage Volumes or Network Shares that you wish to create.

Changing the Thick Provisioning setting will not require any additional changes on the client and will have no client impact, it simply tells the storage pool that the Storage Volume is no longer pre-reserving the full 10TB of capacity.
It does not require the datastore to be unmounted.

The term 'thick provisioning' term can cause confusion but it is truly just a capacity reservation setting.


 Storage Volume Modify Dialog page:



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