
How are Librato alerts sent from the QuantaStor


What does Labrato use to send it's alerts?



Librato does not use SNMP, Librato has their own API on their stat servers that the QuantaStor contacts via an API key for submitting the stat counters.

QuantaStor just sends metric data to the Librato service using their API. We are effectively just running an agent on the QuantaStor.

The authentication mechanism it is an API key that is provided by Librato for submitting metrics information and needs internet access to the Librato servers.

The data is stored on the Librato servers so any questions regarding their security will need to be presented to the Librato support team.


More information on the Librato Metrics solution is available on their website here:


More information on the QuantaStor Librato Integration is available here:


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