
How to reset the admin password via SSH


If the QuantsStor "admin" account is not responding but can log in using a default account and sudo to root successfully then you can reset the QuantaStor admin password.



You can reset the password at the command by logging into the "Master" node" and stopping the QuantaStor service, use the "--reset-password" option, then start the service.

Example of the steps need to reset the admin password on the "Master" node in the Grid:

sudo -i
service quantastor stop
cd /opt/osnexus/quantastor/bin
./qs_service --reset-password
service quantastor start



The "—reset-password" flag will always set the admin user password to the default of ‘password’ regardless of what you may pass in as an extra argument.

If there are multiple nodes in the Grid the steps must be run on the "Master" node since the change will not sync unless it is on the "Master" node.

Also the Quantastor service cannot be running when the command is run against the "qs_service" binary as it does a direct database edit.



 Additional detail can be found in our Trouble Shooting Guide:



Note: This is best done with all nodes in the grid simultaneously, each node doing the same step at the same time if possible. If only one system has the password reset, it will be reset by the master node once it re-joins the grid. 

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