
How to provide access to a "_chkpnt" Network Share


Steps to allow users access to the "_chkpnt" DR backup Network Share.



These steps will allow you to control whether users have access to the "_chkpnt" DR backup Network Share.
If the user does not have access to the share they will not be able to cause any interference with a remote replication schedules ability to trigger a replication.

1. Disable replication schedule
2. Enable network share "*_chkpnt" which is available as a share named "*_chkpnt"
3. Add CIFS/NFS user access list to the "*_chkpnt"
4. Client can then access the "*_chkpnt"
5. Disable network share "*_chkpnt"
6. Enable replication schedule (all changes on "*_chkpnt" will be overwritten)


Note: You can access the "_chkpnt" network share and the "_chkpnt_snaps" for the snapshots on the destination while a remote replication is in flight.

It is also possible to disable write access for NFS or CIFS which could further help clarify to users that they cannot write to the Network Share and that it is only for read/recovery of lost files.

The network share available for client access must have the "_chkpnt" as a suffix and can not be changed.


 Please review this link for additional detail:


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