
How to connect a Cisco UCS to QuantaStor via iSCSI

If you are connecting Cisco UCS blade Servers to QuantaStor using iSCSI you will need to set the UCS boot LUN ID to "0" – regardless of the LUN ID shown for the QuantaStor volume configuration.



No matter what LUN ID shows as assigned to the volume (Example : ID numbers 1,2,3, etc), the QuantaStor will always use a LUN ID of "0".

To configure the UCS server correctly you will need change the LUN ID setting on the UCS blade Server boot policy to LUN ID "0" to be able to boot from the QuantaStor LUN using iSCSI.


NOTE: Symptom that may be seen with an incorrect configuration on the UCS system.

If the storage volume you are connecting to is configured as LUN number 1 and you have the UCS configured to connect to LUN 1 you may see the following symptom:

The UCS blade Server network adapter shows that the network link is up but the network link is giving an error message for invalid state with the error

Cisco and their documentation describes the likely causes of the error 'ISCSI_TARGET_GET_HBT_ERROR' as 'initiator is not registered', or 'the specified LUN is incorrect'.

In this case the error is caused from the UCS blade Server boot policy being set to LUN ID "1" instead of LUN ID "0"


Additional information can be found at these Cisco links:

UCSM GUI Configuration Guide

UCS TroubleShooting

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