As of QuantaStor, we introduced a new way of upgrading QuantaStor via the WUI. Some users have reported that they cannot upgrade, as it reports an error. Here is an example:
Existing upgrade progress file '7fedf730-ee9d-a4a5-4a4c-916eb24a4947.progress' detected, indicating there is already an upgrade in progress. [err=1]
This error will appear when attempting to upgrade using the WUI, and will not upgrade the system.
The issue is caused due to the '*.progress' file in /var/tmp/upgrade, which prevents any further upgrades from occurring. The resolution is to delete the file. It is safe to delete this file and doesn't require a restart.
To delete the file, perform the following command via an SSH session. Replace {ID} with the ID that is displayed in the error in the WUI.
- sudo rm /var/tmp/upgrade/{ID}.progress
If you have any further issues, or need additional help with an upgrade, please contact OSNEXUS support.