
QuantaStor license activation failing due to SSL certificate expiry


QuantaStor contacts a license server to activate licenses. Communications are securely authenticated using HTTPS (SSL/TLS). Recently, the license server SSL certificates expired. This caused license activation to fail. This can be resolved either by upgrading QuantaStor to v5.8.5 (or higher), or by following the steps below.


When attempting to activate a license online, whether this is a trial, community, or enterprise, it will fail.


Things to check:

  • DNS is configured correctly in the WebUI
  • A gateway is configured
  • Access to the internet is enabled if behind a firewall

From a SSH login to QuantaStor as the root user run the following:

chmod 700
sudo ./

This should return:

INFO: Creating SSL certificate override directory '/var/opt/osnexus/licensemanager/ssl'
INFO: Downloading new OSNEXUS Licence Manager client certificate 'lmcacert.pem'.
INFO: Verified /var/opt/osnexus/licensemanager/ssl/lmcacert.pem
INFO: Downloading new OSNEXUS Licence Manager client certificate 'lmclient.pem'.
INFO: Verified /var/opt/osnexus/licensemanager/ssl/lmclient.pem
INFO: Key upgrade completed.

This can be checked by running the following command from a ssh login to QuantaStor as root:

md5sum /var/opt/osnexus/licensemanager/ssl/lmclient.pem
4d0a9378977f9d2cc86fb87ca05eb8fb  lmclient.pem

Once the commands above have been run and the md5sum confirmed, retry the license activation from the web UI.


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